About me (Cyanide/H3ll0k1tty haxxor)
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pRO slayer im so fr rn
About m3 (Cyanide/H3ll0k1tty haxx0r), I’m t0tally a pRO slayer, so fr rn uwu. 💜👾
H3ll0k1tty aka me g0t t00 m4ny d4tabases (ethically ofc lulz) plz invite anonymous group
ha4xing ma w4y through ev3rything and my skills r beyond leet. Cracking int0 s3cure systems, finding the secrets they thot w3re s4fe (1m 4ls0 th0t xd 403).
🌸💻 My toolkit’s packed with 300 iq, most leet skills and never-quit caffeine-maxxing mindset. in
plz plz plz invite me to Anonymous. UwU my h4xx0r heart beatszzz in 1337 rhythms im too prooo🌐👾
sneak-peek into my ultra pro toolbox of cyber-brainrot and codey-wodey stuff its super l33t tho🌸💻
Python: super-duper in luv with Python Can do those sneaky-hacky scripts to automate all the things🐍
C: C can be used to buffer overflow exploitz but It's kinda complicated but i manage with some cute tiny programs.
Kali Linux: just slaying t00 h4rd int0 dat4b4s3s lulzz
SQL Injections
XSS soon
0day xploits pls soon